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Udall Outlines Serious Reservations about Final NDAA Provisions on Indefinite Detention
Mark Udall Continues Fight Against Unwise Detention Provisions in NDAA
Mark Udall Speaks Against Unwise Detention Provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act
Sen. Lindsey Graham on the NDAA, Indefinite Detention of American Citizens
Durbin: Indefinite Detention of Americans Raises Serious Constitutional Concerns
US Senate passes 'indefinite detention' bill
Udall Pushes Amendment to Prevent Veto of Critical Defense Bill
Obama Admin Appeals NDAA Ruling in Bid to Preserve Indefinite Detention at Home and Abroad
Senator Udall Argues For Using All Available Tools to Fight Terrorism
Judges to Review Constitutionality of NDAA Military Detention Legislation
Sen. Chambliss speaks on the FY2012 NDAA's Detainee Provision
"Shut Up. You Don't Get a Lawyer!": The Defense Authorization Act Guts Civil Liberties